1) define your field of interest - cut apart and togehter an area of urgency 2) declare your AE: Entangled Agents (Æ = pH+pNH+pIH+pF) 3) divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital) 4) define the spacetime conditioning: ʃT (ephemeral, eternal, cyclic, linear, continuous, eventual, historical present, memory, extincted, dreamed, extended, distributed, dissoluted, dispersed, concentrated, catalized, centrifugal, centripetal, located, situated, regional, local, global, reachable, micro, meso, macro...)
5) analyze and notate the Æ through a consideration of its relations (Ω repair, Δ damage, a affects, E effects, (c) creative force, ≠difference)
6) apply at least one operation for your analysis 7) declare your QÆ = qH+qNH+qIH+qF+qd) 8) divide by the axioms of αe (ethics) and αK (Kapital) 9) = Name your refigured QAE... or not...